March 25, 2024

Can Gorillas Travel on a Line High Above the Trees?

By Geraldine

The Virunga Landscape is home to an exceptional diversity of wildlife, including endangered gorillas. To preserve it for future generations, WWF partnered with internationally-acclaimed Congolese musician Samba Mapangala and Orchestra Virunga – creating a powerful new conservation tool – an upbeat song which conveys the importance of safeguarding such an irreplaceable treasure.

Many people believe the popular misconception that gorillas travel in an undulating line above the trees, yet this is untrue; gorillas typically spend most of their time on both land and trees; climbing is key for them in gathering leaves, fruits, and other vegetation, while grasping abilities enable them to navigate tree branches with ease – one reason they are one of only two primates which utilize all four limbs when walking and grasping branches!

Answer to “Can Gorillas Travel on a Line High?” is no. Just like humans, gorillas possess a wide array of emotions and behaviors – they laugh during playtime, cry when sad or sick, grieve over their dead just like us, use various vocalizations such as grunts, barks, whimpers and whines when communicating, as well as protective behaviors such as taking up large confident stances when approaching strange noises etc.

Gorillas are social animals that form strong relationships within their family groups. A silverback, or group leader, oversees health and safety issues within his/her group while also setting their daily path through the forest.

Gorillas spend most of their days feeding, resting and traveling across their natural habitat. While most of their day may involve snacking on herbivorous plant matter (including bamboo, banana leaves, Bradford pear prunings, willow trimmings and mulberry trimmings) for nutrition purposes they then rest for two or three hours between meals before moving on to find new food patches – often found nearby.

Gorillas, like humans, are highly intelligent animals with remarkable adaptation to their environment. Gorillas use tools found within the surrounding forest such as bamboo ladders to help baby gorillas reach treetops or use twigs as cutlery when snacking on stinging insects. Their sophisticated noseprint system also allows them to identify family members and other gorillas by their distinctive scent. Furthermore, 98% of their DNA overlaps with that found within humans making them similar in terms of emotional experience, physical fitness, and even facial structure.